Character & Citizenship Platinum Awards Take Place at Williams Experience Centre

Last Thursday 20 July saw 19 Year 6 pupils from Vale Academy Trust Schools receive their Character & Citizenship Platinum Awards from Mrs Marjorie Glasgow BEM, His Majesty’s Lord Lieutenant of Oxfordshire, who is the scheme’s Patron.
The awards were held in the Sir Frank Williams Suite and were attended by the pupils’ families, Headteachers, members of the Trust’s board and other invited guests.
The Platinum award is the highest level of the award that pupils can attain, after completing their Bronze level in KS1 and Silver and Gold in KS2.
Hazel Pittard, the Trust’s Director of Education welcomed the audience and outlined the ethos behind the awards. “The aim is to provide primary pupils with opportunities and challenges which will help build character and develop citizenship so they understand their potential to positively influence the world they live in”.
Two pupils from Millbrook School (Lexus Fielding and Jodie Miles) and two from Wantage CE Primary (Rhiannon Evett and Alice Rendell) confidently took to the stage to tell the audience about their Character & Citizenship Awards experience.
After the presentation, His Majesty’s Lord Lieutenant of Oxfordshire Mrs Marjorie Glasgow BEM also spoke a few words.
Williams Racing is one of the Trust’s Character & Citizenship Awards Scheme partners and kindly hosted the inaugural Platinum Celebration Event. Pupils and guests were treated to refreshments afterwards and generously invited to look round their largest private collection of F1 cars in the world.