Millbrook Pupil Involves Whole School in Mental Health Awareness Week

Jennifer Stillwell, Y4 pupil at Millbrook Primary School in Grove, marked this month’s Mental Health Awareness Week with a special fundraising and awareness project raising a grand total of £279.38.
Jennifer pitched her idea to Headteacher Faye Charlton back in January, explaining how mental health issues had recently touched her family.
Jennifer’s plans involved a Non-Uniform Day based on the colour green (and associated the charity MIND) and holding an assembly on the theme of mental wellbeing and kindness, supported by her school friends Thea and Ayla.
During the half term week leading up to the Mental Health fundraiser, Jennifer, along with mum Heidi and sister Scarlett, made 70 personalised keyrings for every single member of staff with their initial, including office, kitchen, and After-School Club personnel.
Alongside the keyring, Jennifer provided each person with a Mental Health Awareness Day badge and a handwritten note saying “Broken crayons can still colour”.
Ms Charlton said “We are so proud of Jennifer - she really brought Millbrook’s values of Kindness and Responsibility into focus for everyone in school. Her actions and thoughtfulness touched us all. “